Metsovo is located in an altitude of 1150m. on the Pindos mountain chain, in a distance of 40km. from Ioannina and 70km from Trikala.
The buildings with their unique architecture style, constructed from stone and wood, the picturesque streets, the delicious local specialties, the unique products, as well as the unsparing hospitality of the people, make Metsovo an ideal vacation place.
In winter you can enjoy the snowy landscape or go skiing at the ski center. The other seasons you can come to rest and enjoy the magnificent green scenery.
While staying at the hotel, you can visit:
- The Tositsa museum.
- The Averoff picture gallery.
- The Ag. Nikolaos monastery.
- The Panagia monastery.
- The Agia Paraskevi church, with the famous woodcut temple.
- The Agios Georgios park.
- The council center.
- The ski center.
- The Aoos artificial lake and Valia Calda with the rare flora and fauna.
- You can also work out, at the modern athletic center of Metsovo municipality. You can get more information about Metsovo at the website of the municipality,
You can also make longer tours – visits: At the beautiful city of Ioannina, with the Pamvotida lake and the lake island, at the Zagoria villages , with the traditional architecture and the picturesque villages, but also at the amazing Meteora.